2. Alegeri prezidentiale -> cnstituire histograma cu bara orizontala. MTB Se construieste un field "Test" in care se afiseaza procentele din Excel Se contruieste un buton de start Foaia Excel se numeste "judete" iar pe coloana A se scriu de exemplu 5 valori care reprezinta procentele (se definesc sub numele Inserare->Nume de "Procent") Pe pagina se deseneaza un sistem de 2 axe (sa se retina x,y al punctului de intersectie) button "Start" Script --------------------- to handle buttonClick local procente[] local numar interval = 150 getRemote "Procent" application "excel" topic "judete.xls" put It into text of field "Test" numar = wordCount(text of Field "Test") fill procente with text of Field "Test" in [word] order local temp objList = ASYM_ObjectsWhere(this page,"rectangle","name of It <> null") request itemCount(objList) -- ca sa sterg desenele anterioare, daca sunt step i from 1 to itemCount(objList) pop objList into temp request(temp) get deleteObject(temp) end step step i from 0 to numar-1 draw rectangle from 2205,1000+2*i*interval to 2205+30*procente[i+1],1000+(2*i+1)*interval rgbFill of selection = random(255),random(255),random(255) name of selection = rectangle & (i+1) end step end