9. Aplicatie care sa permita schimbarea in mod aleator a fiecarui caracter dintr-un text( cred ca e vorba de culoare). Schimbarea aleatoare si viteza aleasa de utilizator. EX: LENT , MEDIU, RAPID (folosire timer) Se construieste 1 comboBox numit "Viteza" Se construieste un field numit "Text" in care se introduce textul (ori predefinit, ori de utilizator) Se construieste un buton care da startul si unul care opreste timerul Page Script (enterPage nu merge, asa ca mai bine dati acest text in Command Window) -------------------------- to handle enterPage set dropDownItems of comboBox "Viteza" to "Lent" put CRLF & "Mediu" after dropDownItems of comboBox "Viteza" put CRLF & "Rapid" after dropDownItems of comboBox "Viteza" set selectedItem of comboBox "Viteza" to 1 end to handle timerNotify nrcaractere = charcount(text of field "Text") step i from 1 to nrcaractere rgbStroke of char i of text of field "Text" = random(255),random(255),random(255) end step end button "Start" Script -------------------------- to handle buttonClick system statusTimer viteza = text of comboBox("Viteza") conditions when viteza="Lent" statusTimer=timerStart("periodic",1000,100,page "pagina") when viteza="Mediu" statusTimer=timerStart("periodic",600,100,page "pagina") when viteza="Rapid" statusTimer=timerStart("periodic",300,100,page "pagina") end conditions end button "Stop" Script -------------------------- to handle buttonClick get timerStop(0) end comboBox "Viteza" Script (pentru a schimba viteza din mers) ------------------------- to handle selectChange get timerStop(0) system statusTimer conditions when my text ="Lent" statusTimer=timerStart("periodic",1000,100,page "pagina") when my text ="Mediu" statusTimer=timerStart("periodic",600,100,page "pagina") when my text ="Rapid" statusTimer=timerStart("periodic",300,100,page "pagina") end conditions end